
Command and General Staff College

º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø’s Graduate School offers an impressive variety of master’s degree programs and emphases to officers at the Command and General Staff College. With leading experience in online and distance education, º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø’s Graduate Programs excel in academic quality and student assistance. Protocols have been developed to assist students as needed, including free online learning writing lab and critical thinking courses for Park’s graduate students.

Programs Available

Command and General Staff College Officers may pursue the General M.B.A. degree by transferring CGSC credits for up to 3 hours towards the MBA Core and 9 hours toward elective credits, leaving 21 hours of Core requirements and 3 hours of elective requirements to complete.

CGSC Courses CompletedMBA TransferCredit Hours
L100 - Leadership: Developing Organizations and LeadersMBA522 - Organizational Behavior3
C100 - Foundations ThemeMBA620 - Leadership in Organizations3
C400 - DoctrineMBA576 - Operations Management(3 hours)3
C200 - Strategic Environment ThemeMBA630 - Strategic Marketing3
Total Credit Hours12

Learn More about the MBA Program

The MCL degree is a 36-hour graduate degree program, with up to 15 credit hours available as transfer credits to CGSC officers, as per below.

CGSC Courses CompletedMCL TransferCredit Hours
Foundation BlockCA 670 Measuring Leadership3
Strategic Studies BlockCA 505 Organizational Leadership
And 3 credit hours of elective.
Operational Studies BlockCA 520 Seminar in Organizational Change
And 3 credit hours of elective
Total Credit Hours15

Students Who Completed the CGSC Program

When the officer has successfully completed the CGSC program, the student will submit an appropriate transcript to º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø in order to automatically receive credit for up to 15 credit hours. The CGSC program will fulfill track courses in the program, provided this action is within Graduate School and º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø transfer requirements.

Capstone Experience

Each student must complete a total of 36 credit hours, which includes comprehensive exams and a capstone experience. The student must complete one graduate capstone option:

  1. Reflection (2 credit hours) plus one 3-credit hour elective course, or
  2. Project (typically 5 credit hours), or
  3. Thesis (5 credit hours).

For the reflection course, the student may find it useful to reflect on how the CGSOC program and the Communication and Leadership courses compare and contrast in their approaches, and how the student will apply learning to military or civilian contexts.

Learn More about the MCL Program


This is a 30 hour degree program. Officers who have completed the CGSC C200 Block will be eligible to receive up to six transfer hours.

Learn More about the MEd Program with Adult Education Emphasis


The Master of Education in Teacher Leadership Program is part of the M.Ed. in Education. It develops reflective educators who can be change agents in their lives of their students, in their schools, and in their communities.  Graduates of the program are better prepared for careers in teaching with associated faculty leadership positions.  Graduates of the Teacher Leadership Program receive training to become reflective and visionary classroom teacher practitioners.  This is a 30 hour degree program.  Students who have completed the C100 courses and the L100 courses will be eligible to receive up to six transfer hours that would be applied to the 12 elective hour requirement.

CGSC Courses CompletedM.Ed TransferCredit Hours
Adult Education Emphasis
CS200 BlockTWO of the following required courses: ED512, ED5426
Teacher Leadership Emphasis
C100 and L100Six elective credit hours6

The MHA degree is a 36 hour program, with up to nine credit hours available as transfer credits for CGSC officers.

CGSC Courses CompletedMHA TransferCredit Hours
C100 – Foundations (2.3 cr. hr.)
L100 – Leadership (1.6 cr. hr.)
Total = 3.9 cr. hr.
HA 511 – Leadership and Management in Healthcare Systems3
C410 – Army Operational Doctrine (1.5 cr. hr.)
C420 – Elements of Full Spectrum Operations (1.0 cr. hr.)
F100 – Managing Army Change (1.15 cr. hr.)
Total = 3.65 cr. hr.
HA 611 – Mediation, Negotiation, and Conflict Management3
C200 – Strategic Environment (2.4 cr. hr.)
C300 JIMM Capabilities (1.6 cr. hr.)
Total = 4.0 cr. hr.
HA 521 – Special Topics in Healthcare leadership3
Total Credit Hours9

Learn More about the MHA Program



º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø offers five start dates throughout the year and students may apply online at any time. The Graduate School offers a tailored and expedited admissions policy for CGSC officers, with the GMAT and the GRE waived among other benefits.


Up to 15 credit hours may be transferred and applied to the 36 hours required for the degree, (depending on the program).


These requirements are for officers at the Command and General Staff College who have successfully completed or are in the process of completing the Command and General Staff Officers Course (CGSC):

  • Completion of at least the C100 block in the CGSC with grade of B or higher
  • Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a minimum grade point average (GPA) or 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. (Lower GPAs will be considered on a case by case basis)
  • Current resume (Army Officer Record Brief [ORB] or equivalent that includes professional and academic experience is acceptable in lieu of civilian resume).

º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø is accredited by the .

º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø is a private, non-profit, institution of higher learning since 1875.