
Community College of the Air Force General Education Mobile Program

º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø is a proud, select member of the Community College of the Air Force's (CCAF) General Education Mobile (GEM) program.

GEM Program Courses

General Education Mobile CCAF logoPark’s GEM program provides airmen and guardians the opportunity to complete CCAF’s 15 semester hours of general education requirements online and face-to-face at one of over 25 campus centers nationwide. Class length is eight weeks long.

Typically, the 15 general education credits students needed for their AAS degree include coursework in; communication, humanities, math, social sciences, and writing.

For more information, contact Madison Graham (madison.graham@park.edu).

This program is restricted to active duty Air Force and Space Force personnel, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard. If you require more information about GEM – contact your education center and º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø for details. Veterans and military personnel in other divisions, consider accelerated, online, traditional studies and graduate programs at Park.


A basic art appreciation course, which introduces the formal language of painting, sculpture, and architecture, relating them to the philosophical premises and historical events that they reflect. This course provides a frame of reference for appreciation of art as well as a basis for further study. While slide lecture is the usual format, demonstrations, field trips and gallery tours augment classroom instruction. 3 credit hours.
A chronological survey of the history of art from the prehistoric and ancient eras through the medieval. Instruction is not limited to the western tradition but includes sections on Asia, India, Africa and the Americas. Art is studied within historical and cultural contexts. Gallery tours augment slide-lecture instruction. 3 credit hours.
Introduction to concepts and vocabulary involved in literary analysis. Develops skills in reading, interpreting, and writing about literature and surveys some of the major literary concerns and movements. 3 credit hours.
An introduction to concepts, techniques, and vocabulary involved in the literary analysis of poetry. The course involves a study of poetic works written in English and in translation. 3 credit hours.
Close reading of selected works of English and American prose fiction, emphasizing the historical development of the novel and short story. 3 credit hours.

Social Sciences

The course is an introduction into cultural differences and spatial interactions within and between groups (religion, language, and customs) from around the globe. The course will also focus on human organization of space and how it impacts upon the environment. 3 credit hours.
Introduction to the social, cultural, political and economic history of the United States from the conquest and colonization of North America to the reunification of the nation at the conclusion of the Civil War. The survey shall comprise an inquiry of period literature. 3 credit hours.
Introduction to the social, cultural, political and economic history of the United States since the conclusion of the Civil War. The survey shall comprise an inquiry of period literature. 3 credit hours.
A survey of the functions and processes of the three branches of American national government. The changing roles of the branches and their relationship to the public will be emphasized. 3 credit hours.
A critical survey of the major trends in state and local government in the United States, with special emphasis on the governmental practices of state governments and the problems of municipal governments. 3 credit hours.
A survey of the assumptions, history, methods, and techniques of psychology. A presentation of representative theory and research in the areas of consciousness, learning, motivation, cognition, personality, and social behavior. 3 credit hours.
An examination of the social processes and structures of society, with particular attention to American society. Reviews such topics as inter-personal interaction, culture, major social institutions, inequality, deviance, and social change. Also introduces methods used in sociological research. 3 credit hours.

Oral Communication

A development of the ability to speak clearly and express ideas effectively before an audience. Students plan, compose, and deliver various kinds of speeches and talks. Principles of effective rhetorical presentation are related to basic purposes and forms of public speech communication. 3 credit hours.


A development of certain basic concepts in probability and statistics that are pertinent to most disciplines. Topics include: probability models, discrete random variables, normal distributions, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing. 3 credit hours.
A study of the algebra necessary for calculus. Topics include: Linear and non-linear equations, inequalities and their applications; inverse, exponential and logarithmic functions; complex numbers; and systems of linear equations.  3 credit hours.

A course focusing on mathematical concepts that have business applications. Topics include systems of linear equations and matrix concepts, linear programming, basics of sets and counting principles, probability, and introduction to financial mathematics. 3 credit hours.

Written Communication

An introduction to the recursive processes of writing, the course will emphasize discovery and writing-as-thinking. Students will engage various personal and academic genres, with attention to analyzing the audience and purpose for different writing situations. Course readings expose students to a variety of genres and topics from a range of cultural contexts to promote critical thinking and dialogue. Peer response, reflection and revision are emphasized through a summative course portfolio. 3 credit hours.

º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø is accredited by the .

º£½ÇÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø is a private, non-profit, institution of higher learning since 1875.